natural brown sugar

Natural brown sugar(or whole cane sugar) is extracted from sugarcane, then treated to remove impurities. The resulting juice is boiled, and as it cools the liquid crystallizes to produce sugar crystals. Natural brown sugar is less processed and retains more molasses, giving it a distinctive dark color and deepening its flavor. It differs from commercial brown sugar which is white sugar with molasses added back in.

There are many sub categories of 'natural brown sugars' with different characteristics such as: turbinado, demerara or raw sugar. Natural brown sugars that are mildly centrifuged(refined) include panela, rapadura, jaggery, muscovado, piloncillo etc.

Whole cane sugar has more nutritional value than white sugar because of the molasses, but sugar is sugar and it is not essential to good health.

Weight: 1 cup | 7 3/4 oz | 220 g