
Edamame are immature soy beans, still in their pods. Eda 枝 means 'stem' and mame 豆 means 'beans', literally 'steam beans.' Edamame, like all soyfoods, are rich in protein.

Edamame can be boiled or steamed, and served with salts or other condiments. Fresh edamame last for 3 days in the refrigerator, wrapped in a material that traps moisture to prevent discoloration and wilting. Fresh edamame can be frozen, but should be blanched first. Frozen edamame lasts for many months.

soy beans

Soy beans are a species of legumes, widely grown for its edible bean. 1/2 cup of dried soybeans equals one serving of the 3-4 servings of protein required for good health. It is also a good source of Omega 3's (ALA).

Unfermented food uses of soy beans include soy milk and tofu, while fermented soy foods include soy sauce, miso, natto and tempeh. A staple in Eastern Asia, soybeans are used as a base for many vegan faux-meat dishes.

Store in a cool, dry place for up to 12 months.